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Além de anéis, colares e pulseiras, os brincos são o acessório de joalheria mais popular. Isto torna não apenas o primeiro furo na orelha, mas também todos os seguintes, um momento bastante importante. É por isso que muitas pessoas procuram o conselho de especialistas médicos, pois estes apreciam a competência profissional dos seus médicos ou farmacêuticos em todas as questões médicas.
Nos consultórios médicos ou farmácias que usam os sistemas STUDEX, você está em boas mãos: Este guia útil informa tudo o que precisa de saber sobre furação de orelha profissional e os cuidados posteriores corretos. Se tiver alguma dúvida particular sobre estes tópicos, o seu médico ou farmacêutico terá todo o prazer em ajudar. Beleza e saúde devem andar sempre de mãos dadas, também em termos de furação da orelha. O seu médico ou farmacêutico terá muito prazer em aconselhá-lo.
Perfuração da orelha significa perfurar a área do lóbulo da orelha ou da cartilagem plana superior usando sistemas higiênicos de perfuração de orelha de última geração com cartuchos estéreis de uso único. O pino estéril é inserido diretamente no orifício, enquanto o fecho é posicionado corretamente ao mesmo tempo.
Perfuração corporal significa perfurar a pele noutras áreas além do lóbulo da orelha ou da área da cartilagem plana superior. Primeiro, a respectiva parte do corpo é perfurada com uma agulha oca estéril de uso único. Em seguida, a joia estéril é inserida através do orifício fresco e fechada manualmente pelo profissional.
As áreas marcadas em rosa na imagem são adequadas para perfuração de orelha profissional com instrumentos de precisão de última geração no seu médico ou farmácia.
Traditional ear piercing through the soft earlobe with state-of-the-art instruments is barely noticeable. Most people say they only feel the slightest little pinch. The earlobes are well supplied with blood; therefore the hole heals quite quickly. This means, after only 6 weeks you can remove the hypoallergenic studs and wear other earrings. Normally, after approximately 5 to 6 months the holes have fully healed.
Ear piercing through the upper flat cartilage area (helix) is the second popular type of ear piercing. Cartilage is the only body tissue that is not supplied with blood. In these areas, the body cannot use blood to transport metabolic products and supply nutritive substances but has to use diffusion instead. Therefore, the healing process of an ear piercing in this area takes considerably longer. The hypoallergenic studs in the cartilage area may only be replaced by other earrings after a healing period of 12 weeks. It takes approximately 12 months until your ear cartilage piercing is fully healed.
Our STUDEX partners use state-of-the-art hygienic STUDEX System75 ear piercing systems for ear piercing. A sterile cartridge is inserted directly in these precision instruments containing the hypoallergenic stud and the earring clasp. The ear is pierced gently by pushing the special stud through the earlobe with just a short movement of the hand holding the instrument. The clasp behind the ear is automatically positioned correctly in the notch on the post at the same time. Thanks to the state-of-the-art cartridge systems, only the sterile stud and the clasp touch the ear, not the instrument itself. Here is what the piercing process looks like.
Do you know if you get allergic reactions to certain substances? For example, nickel, house dust, certain drugs or antiseptics? Are there any known cases of allergies in your family? If you are uncertain, please clarify this with your general practitioner before having your ear pierced. This is essential to avoid complications.
Choose only earrings made of top-quality materials, such as surgical stainless steel 316 L, titanium or real gold, to avoid allergic reactions and promote the healing process. Please make sure that your earrings are hypoallergenic and skin-friendly in accordance with the EU Reach Regulation 2004/96/EC.
In everyday life, nickel can be found in many places: jewelry, glasses frames, watches, zippers, buttons, buckles or scissors. Also steel always consists of nickel and other materials. Even lettuce or chocolate contain traces of nickel. Cheap fashion jewelry can contain a high amount of nickel. As some people can get allergic reactions to nickel, the EU Reach Regulation imposes limits on the amount of nickel that is allowed to be released onto the skin per week. For ear jewelry, these limits are a maximum of 0.2 micrograms per square centimeter per week (i.e. 0.2 millionth of a gram).
Materials such as surgical stainless steel with the designation 316L as well as medical titanium, which are common materials for piercing studs, are also used in medicine, e.g. for surgical implants that remain in the human body all life long without causing harmful side effects. Rest assured that any STUDEX piercing earrings inserted by your doctor or pharmacist are hypoallergenic and skin-friendly and fall significantly below the maximum limit of the EU Reach Regulation, which makes them perfectly suited for ear piercing.
Minors (under the age of 18) must bring a release form signed by their parents or legal guardian. For minors under the age of 16, a parent or a legal guardian must be present during the ear piercing process.
Adults (aged 18 or older) should also sign a release form before having their ears pierced.
In general, there is no legal minimum age for ear piercing in most countries. Parents or legal guardians can individually decide on the right point of time for their child. Your doctor or pharmacist is happy to provide individual medical advice.
From a medical point of view, age does not play a role for ear piercing. As the German Association of Otolaryngologists (Deutscher Berufsverband der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Ärzte) states:
From a medical perspective, it does not matter whatsoever if the ear is pierced as a child or later. Michael Deeg from the Association of Otolaryngologists in Freiburg, Germany, explains, “The earlobe is equally suitable for ear piercing at every age.” The expert says that the experience of pain was not higher for children than for adults. Often the piercing itself would only be perceived as a little pinch.
Source: news.de/dpa, Oct. 16, 2012
Before piercing the ear, your doctor or pharmacist will clarify any so-called contraindications with you and inform you about the general risks of ear piercing as well as the importance of proper aftercare. Contraindications may be, for example, hemophilia (bleeding disorder), HIV, hepatitis or proneness to heavy scarring. You are also questioned about known allergies, especially metal intolerances. The medical expert then examines your ear for possible cuts, rash or skin irregularities and recommends to postpone ear piercing to a later point of time in case of any findings.
It may be very small, but a freshly pierced hole is a wound. Therefore, hygiene is essential. In order to minimize the risk of infections or inflammations, especially those caused by improper or insufficient aftercare, it is important that you follow the care instructions given by your doctor or pharmacist.
In many countries, ear piercing is subject to “hygiene regulations.” In Germany, for example, these are the “regulations on the monitoring of businesses according to the regulation on the prevention of communicable diseases” (“Bestimmungen der Überwachung von Betrieben gemäß der Verordnung zur Verhütung übertragbarer Krankheiten”). The ear piercing procedure as well as requirements to the facilities and their equipment is defined by special hygiene plans, which also cover all other topics such as disinfection, cleaning and disposal. You can be sure that the medical experts at your doctor’s office or pharmacy observe all hygiene regulations. The piercing expert wears disposable gloves. The ear is properly disinfected. The hypoallergenic piercing stud and the clasp are packed in a sealed single-use cartridge, thus ensuring sterility. The expert loads the cartridge into the instrument without touching the earring or the clasp. The instrument itself does not get in contact with your ear. And yet, the instrument, the workplace and all surfaces are disinfected after each use.
Cuidado e prevenção
Professional ear piercing minimizes the risk of inflammation
Após a perfuração da orelha, cuidados posteriores adequados e regulares são essenciais para manter as suas orelhas bonitas e saudáveis. Orelhas recém-furadas devem ser limpas com produtos de cuidados posteriores apropriados, pelo menos duas vezes por dia. O seu médico ou farmacêutico irá explicar-lhe os detalhes dos cuidados posteriores e dar-lhe um produto de cuidado e instruções detalhadas para orelhas recém-furadas. Seguindo cuidadosamente estas instruções, inflamações, infeções ou outras complicações podem ser facilmente evitadas.
Não toque no pino ou na orelha desnecessariamente durante o período de cicatrização. Lave sempre bem as mãos antes de tocar nos pinos ou nas orelhas. O instrumento posiciona o fecho corretamente no poste. Não empurre o fecho ao longo do poste em direção à orelha. Isto garante o posicionamento correto do pino e permite a circulação de ar adequada no canal de perfuração. Um brinco muito apertado pode causar infeções.
Leave the hypoallergenic piercing studs in your earlobes for at least 6 weeks continuously before removing them. For cartilage piercings, leave the piercing earring in your ear for at least 12 weeks continuously. The studs should not be removed from the ear during this period, not even for aftercare.
Generally, try to keep your ears dry in between cleansing with a piercing care product. Keep hairspray, shampoo, soap and other preparations away from your new ear piercings. After showering or bathing, the ear should be rinsed with clear water and then prepared with an aftercare product.
Some schools, sports clubs or other institutions have strict regulations on wearing jewelry. Earrings may generally be forbidden during sports activities, or must be covered with tape or bandages. Please obtain information about these regulations in advance. To prevent the new holes from closing, the piercing earrings should not be removed during the healing period. If this is not possible because of any regulations, we recommend planning your ear piercing for the vacation period.
Ear piercings that are newly pierced or not fully healed would close, if you removed the studs. Therefore the piercing studs should be worn continuously for at least 6 weeks (earlobes) or 12 weeks (ear cartilage). It takes up to 5 months (earlobes) or 12 months (cartilage area) until the ear piercings have fully healed.
Once your ear piercings are fully healed, however, they cannot grow back together. The inside of the piercing channel will be covered by skin, which thus seals the “wound” caused by piercing the ear. Sometimes it may look like the piercing closed, since healed piercings usually excrete sebum, if you don’t wear earrings for a while.
During the healing period (6 weeks for earlobes, 12 weeks for ear cartilage), it’s best to avoid swimming. After all, each new ear piercing is a small wound, which should be kept as clean as possible. Public swimming pools are often contaminated with germs, especially bacteria. And pools that use chlorine may cause problems, since chlorine and its byproducts can dry out and irritate your skin. Even lakes or oceans may be contaminated with germs. Therefore, if you decide to go swimming anyway and your ear gets in contact with water, we recommend that you follow your swim with using an aftercare product. You may also use a waterproof bandage, which you should remove after swimming.
Even after the first healing period of 6 or 12 weeks after piercing, we recommend to use only post-type earrings during the following healing period, no hook earrings. The earring post should be made of surgical stainless steel or other hypoallergenic material such as titanium, real gold or sterling silver. Sensitive by STUDEX are ideal as follow-up earrings – or anytime. We do not recommend using cheap fashion jewelry, as this type of jewelry may release a large amount of nickel, or may even be laden with the harmful heavy metals lead or cadmium or the equally harmful metal cobalt.
Many women like wearing large earrings. However, these can be quite heavy and pull at the connective tissue. To avoid a permanent deformation of the earlobes, we recommend wearing heavy earrings for special occasions only.
Normally, there are no complications when the ear piercing is performed by a trained expert or medical professional. In rare cases, however, the wound may get infected. The most common cause of infection results from improper aftercare. Depending on the severity of the infection, the use of antibiotics may become necessary. Therefore we recommend that you always contact your doctor to clarify any possible intolerance.
In rare cases, cross-intolerances may occur. Our recommendation: If you are taking antibiotics, postpone the ear piercing to a later point of time.
Severe infections can lead to intense redness or swelling, bleeding or festering and are often very painful. In such circumstances, seek medical advice at your general practitioner’s or dermatologist’s immediately. Depending on the severity of the infection, your doctor will decide if the piercing earring has to be removed. She or he will cleanse the wound thoroughly and disinfect it, and advise you on how to further promote the healing process at home. Do not treat complications associated with ear cartilage piercings lightly! Failure to seek medical advice in case of complications may result in permanent scarring of the ear cartilage.
Tenha as suas orelhas perfuradas apenas por especialistas treinados ou profissionais médicos.
Esclareça com antecedência se você ou a sua família sofrem de alergias (por exemplo, níquel, poeira doméstica, certos medicamentos ou antissépticos).
Toma algum medicamento regularmente? É resistente a antibióticos? Se não tiver a certeza, contacte o seu médico.
Informe-se sobre possíveis regulamentações sobre o uso de brincos na sua escola, clube desportivo, etc.
Considere cuidadosamente com antecedência qual a área da sua orelha deseja perfurar.
Certifique-se de que cartuchos descartáveis estéreis sejam utilizados com o instrumento e que seja operado com pressão manual. Solicite STUDEX System75.
Certifique-se de que seus brincos são hipoalergênicos, amigos da pele e de acordo com o Regulamento de Alcance da UE.
Siga cuidadosamente as instruções de cuidados dadas pelo seu médico ou farmacêutico.
Mantenha sujidade, champoo ou sabonete longe da ferida e evite nadar, se possível.
Se surgirem inflamações ou outros sintomas indevidos, consulte imediatamente um médico.
Deixe a ferida cicatrizar completamente.
Após o período de cicatrização, escolha brincos feitos de materiais hipoalergênicos, como Sensitive by STUDEX.
Encontre um parceiro STUDEX®
Tem alguma dúvida sobre piercing na orelha?
Para mais informações, contacte o seu médico ou farmacêutico ou envie-nos um email.
Créditos das imagens
Imagem de topo: © Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock.com; imagens “cuidado e prevenção”, senhora a apontar para a orelha, e três mulheres: © Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com; menina na piscina: © tan4ikk/Fotolia.com; menina com os brincos: © Svetlana Fedoseeva/Fotolia.com; comprimidos: © Stillfx/Fotolia.com; outras imagens e ilustrações: © STUDEX of Europe GmbH